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Cool thread, the sets look pretty good at first glance. More specific answer to Q1: There's a favor tier at 670 skill that's hard to hit. You do need all that +1 gear if you want to hit the 670 tier (21s) with Nirvana/Grip locked for AM3.
One of most frequently asked questions is: What is an example of a good opener?
While they form only fraction of total fight time, for Summoner the opener is very important to set the scene for all of our timings.
- Shadowbringers brought changes to the class, making the clunky battle pet mechanics much easier to manage while also keeping its high damage output. Overall, Summoner is known to be a complicated class, but when mastered, it is one of the best DPS classes in the game. Why Summoner is one of the best DPS: Can deal high amounts of damage.
- A kiting-oriented follower choice is the Scoundrel, bringing minor crowd control and damage buffs. The recommended abilities for him are: Level 5: Crippling Shot — a potent slow on a reasonably short cooldown, this skill offers more utility than the straightforward damage choice, Poison Bolts.
- Best in Slot for Summoner Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn PC. Macintosh PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game.
In this section we’ll cover:
- our preferred opener methods
- the reasoning & importance for various timings
All of the openers are intended for single target & use Ifrit.
3rd GCD DWT Opener
- Place Ifrit-Egi beside the boss. This will not aggro the boss.
- Prepull Ruin III (hardcast) @ roughly -2.5s. Adjust with ping in mind.
- Sic (pet stance) @ roughly -0.7s. Adjust with ping in mind.
- GCD 1 Egi Assault + Energy Drain + Tri-disaster
- GCD 2 Egi Assault II + Tincture
- GCD 3 Egi Assault + Aetherpact + Dreadwyrm Trance
- GCD 4 Egi Assault II + Lucid Dreaming + Enkindle
- GCD 5 Ruin III (instant) + Fester + Tri-disaster
- GCD 6 Ruin III (instant) + Deathflare + Summon Bahamut
- GCD 7 Ruin IV + Enkindle Bahamut + Fester
- GCD 8 Ruin IV
- GCD 9 Ruin III (hardcast)
- GCD 10 Ruin III (hardcast)
- GCD 11 Ruin IV + Enkindle Bahamut
- GCD 12 Ruin III (hardcast)
- GCD 13 Ruin IV + Energy Drain + Swiftcast
- GCD 14 Ruin III (instant) + Fester
The 3rd GCD DWT Opener is our standard 2 min alignment opener for Further Ruin & pet action consistency by providing a sufficient time buffer to ensure ghosts do not happen.
1st GCD DWT Opener
Image + Video example coming soon(tm)
1st GCD DWT Opener
- Place Ifrit-Egi beside the boss. This will not aggro the boss.
- Prepull Ruin III (hardcast) @ roughly -2.5s. Adjust with ping in mind.
- Sic (pet stance) @ roughly -0.7s. Adjust with ping in mind.
- GCD 1 Egi Assault + Tri-disaster + Dreadwyrm Trance
- GCD 2 Egi Assault II + Energy Drain + Aetherpact
- GCD 3 Ruin III (instant) + Tincture
- GCD 4 Egi Assault + Lucid Dreaming + Enkindle
- GCD 5 Egi Assault II + Fester
- GCD 6 Ruin III (instant) + Deathflare + Summon Bahamut
- GCD 7 Ruin IV + Enkindle Bahamut + Fester
- GCD 8 Ruin IV
- GCD 9 Ruin III (hardcast)
- GCD 10 Ruin III (hardcast)
- GCD 11 Ruin IV + Enkindle Bahamut
- GCD 12 Ruin III (hardcast)
- GCD 13 Ruin IV + Tri-disaster + Swiftcast
- GCD 14 Ruin III (instant) + Energy Drain + Fester
The 1st GCD DWT Opener is our go to when encounters favour Trance rushing (using them on cooldown).
Typically in the Rush timeline Tri-disaster is not clipped under buffs and is saved to be used during the DoT refresh towards the tail end of the Bahamut window of the opener.
Clipping TriD In The 120s Opener
In the majority of situations when using the 2 minute cycle opener and timings, the Tri-disaster reset should be used to clip & snapshot our DoTs into the full suite of raid buffs not only for the tremendous initial gains in the opener but also to set a consistent timeline with our DoTs in relation to future raid buff timings, where every minute we will have a Tri-disaster under buffs.
Only in specific circumstances, such as e3s (Leviathan), should you consider otherwise in order to reduce potency losses with regards to downtime, especially if you can skip a hardcast DoT set.
As an example to show how important the damage difference is for DoTs, consider this before & after comparison from before 5.10 with no DoTs then the addition of Chain Stratagem, Battle Litany, Trick Attack (at 10%), Bole, Divination, Technical Finish, Dragon Sight, our own Devotion & a Grade 2 Tincture:
As of 5.30 Tri-disaster has 150p on hit damage, further emphasising the importance of catching what is effectively a 1050 potency OGCD under raid synergy which is Summoner’s highest total potency from a single action.
1st GCD: ED -> TriD (120s)
Having Energy Drain as the first weaved OGCD is to ensure suitable alignment down the line for future recast timings in particular those during Demi-Summons.
While there is a small chance of losing a DoT tick initially, the odds of this are low enough to not require Tri-disaster first.
3rd GCD: Aetherpact -> DWT (120s)
Aetherpact in the early weave slot is to ensure a proper 3rd GCD Devotion timing. This will keep Devotion on a timeline in concert with other 15s raid buffs such as Chain Stratagem, Technical Step & Trick Attack, while maintaining alignment that is best for most raid compositions.
4th GCD: Early Lucid Dreaming (Both)
Lucid Dreaming is not required for potency nor MP sake, however, having it as an early weave ensures the timing of the subsequent Enkindle to be a late weave for raid buffs as mentioned above.
If you find yourself prone to clipping on double weaves, you can omit the Lucid Dreaming & time the late Enkindle weave manually.
4th GCD: Late Enkindle (Both)
It is better to late weave Enkindle in the 4th GCD to ensure consistency with snapshotting specific raid buffs that may be cast late such as DNC’s Devilment & AST’s Divination.
6th GCD Summon Bahamut (Both)
The 6th GCD Summon Bahamut timing is to ensure pet actions resolve and do not ghost.
Ruin IV after the 1st Akh Morn (Both)
By replacing a Ruin III with Ruin IV this optimises a 100 potency base gain into raid buffs (300p vs 200p).
This does require a SwiftcastRuin III at the tail end of the Demi-Summon rotation. If in progression you find yourself needing to save Swiftcast for the first minute of an encouter, instead hardcast Ruin III & save the last Further Ruin stack for the last instant GCD in the Bahamut window.
If movement in an encounter requires an instant GCD to replace a hardcast at a different timing you can shuffle the GCDs to a degree, however, be mindful as to how this can impact Wyrmwave timings.
Also keep in mind that one big goal is to reduce unnecessary Ruin II casts. Consider what sequence lets you achieve that given the situation unfolding.
Due to the instability of the opener in practice and how prone it is to ghosting for players across all regions it has since been shelved.
Closing Thoughts
Hopefully these openers provide a framework to think about when certain approaches are the more sensible choice for dealing DPS.
As with any encounter, think about how your cooldowns play out as a fight progresses.
PvM summoner best gear question.Hi,
Smn Best In Slot Machine
I have been playing a basic summoner on non-ladder (europe) for a while.
And i think that some items i use are not the best possible items for this build.
There are 3 parts of my equipment which i think could get higher +skele / + skele masteries skils:
-weapon, is the King Leorics staff the best possible? and what would be the best possible mods for a necro weapon?

-shield (shrunken head), this is the real question, what would give a better boost in skills for summoning then the standard +3 skill shield described in all guids.
It seems to me that a magic shield with +3 skele and +3 skele masteries and +3 summon skills should be possible. Is this shield possible, and if yes would some one have any clue on where to find it? and if it can be traded for, since thus far i have not seen any.
also are there other options ? which give more then the standard +3 skill shields.
This i found in some other thread
Smn Best In Slot Games
A rare necro head with a high qlvl. Then combined in the cube with the 6 pskull recipe to lower the ilvl to 24 or less. This shield gets high level prefixes, and low level staff mods.
Warning, very low chance of getting this, and your character has to have the right level, and you have to have the right head. Even then, it's very hard to get this. Many pskulls required, together with patience and luck